Sūrah Ikhlas

One third of the Qur’ān

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The Prophet ﷺ has stated that this sūrah is equivalent to one third of the whole Qur’an. He ﷺ is also narrated to have said, “The prayer of the one who asks Allah for a favour in the name of this sūrah is granted; and the blessings of Allah rain down on the one who recites it frequently”.

Thus, the merits and benefits of this sūrah, which is composed of three brief verses, are unfathomable.

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The Power of Intentions

The concept of intention, or ‘niyah’, holds significant importance in Islamic teachings, as illustrated by a hadith narrated by the esteemed companion ʿUmar ibn al-Khattāb, who mentioned that our beloved Prophet Mohammed ﷺ said:

"Verily, actions are by their intentions, and every person will be rewarded for that which they intended....”

This hadith points out that individuals will be judged based on the intentions behind their actions, indicating that deeds can be deemed sound or unsound based on this inner motivation.

In the Qur'an, Allah refers to intentions using various terms such as ‘irāda’, ‘yurīd’, and ‘ibtighā’, highlighting that the state of one's heart matters immensely before performing actions. This principle is echoed by scholars like Yahya ibn Kathīr, who emphasizes the depth of intentions over mere actions.

By sincerely intending to please Allah and uplift their own souls, believers can ensure that their actions align with divine expectations. Ultimately, the sincerity of one's intention shapes the value of their deeds in the eyes of Allah.

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The Qur'ān

The written preservation of the Qur'ān is a tradition that began at the time of the Prophet ﷺ.