The Qāf Initiative seeks to produce a handwritten copy of the Mushaf, in the award-winning penmanship of master calligrapher Sidi Mothanna al-Obaidi. The project will take 3 to 3.5 years to complete given the craftsmanship to handwrite. For further details please see our website (
Once the original Mushaf has been created it will be held in the art gallery at Mustafa Mount.
Afterward, every page of this Mushaf will be scanned, and a personalised version will be printed, sold, and distributed worldwide, Insha’Allah.
You can pick from these choices;
Check our website.
There will be a follow up confirmation email sent to you which will confirm that you have sponsored a certain passage, surah, ayah or Basmallah.
There are three ways to pay:
You can either pay directly from your money or you can fundraise using LaunchGood, sharing the baraqah with other people. If you would like to do this we will set up your LaunchGood page for you, do not set up your own page. A community page has already been set up and your page would be linked with this.
To do this contact us via: Email: Tel: 01274 911069.
Please contact us via phone or email and we will arrange this for you.
Gift aid is a government scheme that allows charities to claim an extra 25p for every £1 donated by a UK taxpayer. There is a form which you can fill in, this will help us to maximise your donation.
Your money will go towards the realisation of the Mustafa Mount vision and development of Mustafa Mount. By sponsoring any part of the Quran, surah or ayah, wherever and whenever someone reads it you will be rewarded for it.
Yes, every contribution made will serve as ongoing charity (sadaqa jariya). There are multiple incredible benefits that come with donating to this worthy cause with the right intention - every time someone reads a single letter from a verse that you have sponsored, you can reap the rewards.
In addition, every time a lesson is delivered, a knowledge is found or a life is changed at Mustafa Mount, you will reap the rewards.
Also as the Calligrapher starts a surah which you have sponsored, your name will be mentioned as part of the intention.
Given the craftsmanship involved it will take 3- 3.5 years to complete the Mushaf. During this time regular video updates of progress will be shared on the website (
Project updates will be provided regularly on our website.
Contact us via: Email: Tel: 01274 911069