The Qāf Initiative seeks to produce a handwritten copy of the Mushaf, in the award-winning penmanship of master calligrapher Sidi Mothanna al-Obaidi.
It is more than just a project - it is an act of devotion to honour the beauty of the Qur’ān and preserve a sacred tradition for generations to come.
Spanning over three and a half years, the Qāf Initiative will run as a community project. Believers are invited to participate by sponsoring the production of this unique Mushaf.
Following in the legacy of our righteous predecessors, this blessed endeavour - led by Sheikh Ibrahim - will not only produce a beautifully decorated Mushaf in the Hafs recitation, but also support Greensville Trust in bringing the Mustafa Mount vision to light.
The Prophet ﷺ placed great importance on the written preservation of the Qur'ān. Follow in the footsteps of those who came before us and answered this call by donating today to be a part of this legacy.
What makes this Mushaf unique?
The Mushaf is the Qur'ān in written form.
Sidi Mothanna will meticulously hand write the entire Qur'ān over the course of three years, in black ink that is made especially for writing Qur'ānic calligraphy. The paper used will be high-quality, acid-free, light yellow muqhar calligraphy paper and each page will be written on one side of paper.
The verses will be written in the Uthmani script. Naskh calligraphy will be used for the main text and the tajweed markings and stop signs will be according to the Medina Mushaf.
Certain pages will be decorated with 23-carat gold, including the opening two pages, the closing prayer section, the sūrah titles, the places of prostration and the section divisions.
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